The Heartbreak Hotel Book

Experience our retreats from the comfort of your sofa.

For anyone who can’t get to one of our retreats, we wrote a book all about our it.

Written as if you are a guest on our retreat this book takes you through the programme from heartbreak to hope.

Published globally, the Heartbreak Hotel book has been translated into German and Dutch and soon to be available in to Polish, Arabic, French and Italian

Finding Yourself at the Heartbreak Hotel offers practical, relatable advice for healing and rediscovering joy. Each page is a step towards understanding that even in the depths of despair, hope and renewal are not just possible, they’re within reach
— Amy Chan, author of Breakup Bootcamp: The Science of Rewiring Your Heart
This book that is filled with science-based advice is going to change how we deal with heartbreak. An enlightening read for anyone in grieving
— Nicole Vignola, neuroscientist and author of Rewire: Your Neurotoolkit for Everyday Life