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Putting me first
They say love is the greatest emotion felt by human beings, and while it has the ability to overcome all and make life grand, it is a tricky emotion to navigate.

A rumination buster
When heartbroken and, in particular, betrayed, our brains can get caught up in a punitive cycle of rumination, desperately trying to find answers to why it happened and what went wrong. So, try this: Once or twice a day, at specific times allow yourself half an hour to fire both barrels at your ex.

Litost - A feeling we have no english word for
There is one book that I return to again and again. Not only beautiful and funny but clever and quirky. The Book of Human Emotions by Tiffany Watt-Smith is a treasure trove of emotional language – full of words that express some feeling or another that we know in our bones, but don’t have the language to articulate.

Choosing to choose
If ever there was a day designed to remind women that it is indeed our lot to be ‘chosen,’ by way of all of our favourite things (?!) – red roses and cards full of terrible poetry – it’s St Valentine’s Day. And the threads of this idea of being ‘chosen’ stitch all the way back to the stories of how Valentine’s Day came about.

A sticky time of year
Every year around about now, my husband accuses me of being shit at Christmas. He doesn’t mean to be unkind, he says it to try and jog me out of the funk I always find myself in.

Growing around loss
When a relationship ends many of those around you might try to comfort by saying that time will heal the pain. For a long time, I couldn’t take this in and found myself protesting against it.